(during reception opening hours, you may also call us at: 09 813 3330)
The reception opening times and contact information is visible here.
BOOK YOUR TIME: asiakaspalvelu(a)olarium.fi
(during reception opening hours, you may also call us at: 09 813 3330)
The reception opening times and contact information is visible here.
Our solarium is now super effective! We recommend to use the solarium maximum time of 15 minutes, and if you haven’t tried solariums before, we recommend to start with 5 minutes.
In addition to the one time passes we sell also 5 x 20minutes; the pricing table is available here.
When used moderately, the solarium is a good general purpose treatment for skin, especially for psoriasis and acne skin. Usage of the solarium is also recommended before a beach vacation to decrease the risk of burning in sun. Enjoy the heat and light of the solarium safely and moderately!
Solarium is only allowed for people who are over 18 years old.
With the help of the solarium cosmetics you can reach a beutiful and longer lasting tan more easily! Healthy and treated skin is tans much faster and you will have more deeper and much more beautiful tan which lasts longer. There is an unique cosmetic series Australian Gold which we resell in our reception! Australian Gold, products contain a lot of nutrients which both treat the skin and promote the tanning during the solarium visit.
Try and find your own favorite!
Opening hours (with Olarium-card):
Mon – Thu 5am – 10pm
Fri 5am – 9 pm
Sat 5am – 7pm
Sun 5am – 9pm
By phone (during reception hours):
+358 9 813 3330
Via email: