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Fall season: 28.8.-8.12.2023

-No classes week 42 or Bank holidays (Independence day 6.12.2023)

10.30-11.15 Senior group exercise
11.30-12.15 Senior group exercise

10.30-11.30 Senior GYM training + 68
11.30-12.30 Senior GYM training + 68

10.30-11.30 Senior GYM training + 68
11.30-12.30 Senior GYM training + 68
12.45-13.40 Seniors Group exercise Stretching

10.30-11.15 Senior group exercise
11.30-12.15 Senior Light group exercise


City of Espoo provides more information via phone: +358 9 8166 0800


There is a possibility to use the Olarium gym on your own at Monday to Friday * at a discounted price:

+68 -card 5 € / one time

Pensioners 6 € / one time

You can ask the gym program for your personal use (programs used for the Espoo city senior workout introductions).

* ask more by calling us at: 09 813 3330 or via email asiakaspalvelu(a)