Start today and book a Personal Training session from this link!



Please fill out the form below after booking the first session.

    Mitä toivot ohjaukseltasi? // What are your expectations and wishes on your upcoming Personal Training session?

    Mitä haluat painottaa tulevassa harjoitteluohjelmassasi? (esim. voima, liikkuvuus, hyvinvointi, painonhallinta, kestävyys, stressinhallinta) // What would you like to emphasize in your upcoming program that will be made for you (for example strength, endurance, mobility, well-being, weight loss, stress management)?

    Montako kertaa viikossa olet ajatellut harjoitella (PT:n kanssa laadittua harjoitteluohjelmaasi)? // How many times a week do you think you would be doing the training program made for you by our Personal Trainer?

    Harrastatko liikuntaa? Minkälaista? Minkälaisesta liikunnasta nautit? // Do you exercise currently? What kind of sports? Which sport do you enjoy?

    Minkälaiseksi arvioisit oman terveydentilasi tällä hetkellä? Onko tapahtunut merkittäviä muutoksia viime aikoina? // How would you describe the condition of your health now? Has there been any significant changes to this lately?

    Muita huomioitavia asioita (esim. terveydentilaan, muun harjoittelun määrään, kuntoutumiseen, lääkitykseen liittyen)? // Other factors concerning sports or your health condition (rehabilitation/medication) that should be taken into consideration when your personal training program is planned?

    Minkälaista oloa toivoisit elämääsi lisää ja miten yhteistyö PT:n kanssa mielestäsi auttaisi tässä? // What kind of feeling would you like to have more of in your life and how do you think the co-operation with our Personal Trainer could help you achieve this?

    Vakuutan tietoni oikeiksi ja toivon, että ohjaaja suunnittelee tämän lomakkeen pohjalta sisällön
    ensimmäiseen tapaamiseen sekä harjoitteluohjelmaani.

    I assure my information is correct and would like this form to be used as a base for the upcoming
    Personal Training session and the program that will be made for me.

    Kiitos! Nähdään pian Olariumissa! / Thank you! See you soon at Olarium!


    What is personal training?

    Personal training is personal coaching, which is based on the comprehensive well being of the customer.

    Together with a professional Personal Trainer and with a training program your training has real goals. Our instructors have over 15 year experience on the field.

    The program is fully customized for you! You may be a beginner or an experienced professional, and you will definitely benefit from a professionally created training program by our personal trainers!

    Read more about personal training services

    Each meeting is customized for your needs. On the first meeting the Personal Trainer charts your wishes and goals and also your starting level to match the future meetings. The contents of the meetings are changed by the goals agreed between you and the Personal Trainer. On the gym instructions and also with the 3-10x packages include a written personal training program (1x PT meeting does not include written program).

    Mindful Body package is about strengthening the connection between mind and the body. During the meetings, the PT is looking for hypermobilities, stiffness and the imbalances caused by them. Based on this there will be a personal training program to strengthen your deep muscles and also your mobility. The training program attempts to manage pain in the body through conscious body-mind workouts, which gives the possibility to relief stress and anxiety. Mindful Body workout has a goal to bring well being and balance to both into the mind and the body – more well being to life every day!

    Start today!

    Welcome to your personal training meeting – the best day to start is today!

    Olarium Team – see here :)